
Showing posts from June, 2020

All about Me.

If I was a vehicle I would be a Tesla because I change gears automatically when I learn  If I was a building I would  be the Statue of Liberty because I reach high  If I was an animal I would be a king cobra because I stand my ground  If I was a food I would be a donut because I’m unique  in my own way   If I was clothing  I  would be nike shoes because I run through my work  If I  was a country I would  be New Zealand so I can chill because I don't need to worry about anything        

Words of Wisdom.

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. 


I can't make up my mind...YET!. I can't listen with my ear's properly...YET!. I can't get the hang of maths...YET!.

Claudio's Explanation

You might think you're healthy but are you?.. Eating healthy is good  there is so much more so how can you become the ultimate healthy you? We need to talk about how we are feeling if we are feeling afraid or worried or sad. Tell a parent,teacher or friend. If you're happy or excited, celebrate!  It's important to eat a balanced diet. We need to drink a lot of water.  You need lots of different types of food to stay healthy. Unhealthy food can get you sick and very unhealthy!!  Personal hygiene .  It's important to brush your teeth for 2 minutes night and morning. Keep yourself clean by having a shower or a bath everyday.  Wash your hands after going to the bathroom, before dinner and after playing outside. These will all help you become the ultimate healthy you!  If you follow these three steps then you will be three steps closer to becoming the ultimate healthy you!.